Fue Method | Lifetime
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FUE Hair Transplant

How is hair transplantation performed with FUE method?

Hair transplantation with Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method is the process of removing hair islands (follicular unit; FU) one by one without a linear incision.


It is the removal of hair follicles (follicular unit; FU) with circular incisions from the scalp with 1mm and smaller diameter instruments. The only difference of this method known as Fue Motor from the old method is that the practitioner does not have to remove the follicular unit manually. In fact, despite basically the same, the practitioner and the patient gain time with the new method. The apparatus at the end of the Punch Biopsy pen is connected to a motor and the speed of the motor can be adjusted as desired. The thickness of the tips is changed and tips with the desired lumen diameter are attached according to the donor area. Of course, the only advantage of the Fue motor is not just the time it saves. In addition, the tissue depth can be standardized as desired thanks to the motor, which eliminates the need to control the tissue depth continuously. Again, thanks to the Fue Engine, grafts can be taken at more frequent intervals and more grafts can be removed from the area taken with the motor when compared to the same amount of area scanning. Another advantage of the motor is that it is less likely to break up grafts with multiple follicles, ie 2-3 or even 4 follicles, in other words, the success of the follicular unit to preserve its integrity is higher

For these reasons, it can be said that hair transplantation has turned into a more comfortable operation thanks to the Fue Motor. Although the way the follicles are removed is different, the opening of the channels and the transplantation stages are the same as in other methods.

Although the FUE method is now healthier and more comfortable, it is necessary to know that it is an operation that requires attention and detailed work and experience. Transplanting the hair at the natural growth angle and direction, transplanting the hair follicles quickly without waiting outside, and explaining the pre- and post-transplantation process are the most important factors in the healthiness and successfulness of this operation. Since hair transplantation is an application that is detailed, sensitive and requires medical equipment, you should be careful when choosing the centre where you will have the operation performed.

What to Do After Hair Transplantation:

Discharge of the Patient

Except for the patients who come from abroad and do not want to stay in the hotel, all patients are discharged after the operation. They do not need to be hospitalized. The part where the tissue is removed is wrapped with a special wrap. Thus, the disconnection with the outer area is provided in an aesthetic way.

What to Do at Home

It is important not to go out and to rest at home on the day of the operation and the next day. Unless absolutely necessary, the patient should not engage in other occupations. However, s/he can do non-exhausting essential works such as desk jobs and computer use, provided that s/he does not lower his/her head.

First wash

It is useful to wash the hair first after being controlled by the experts in the hospital and clinic. The hair should be washed at the earliest 24 hours and at the latest 72 hours after the operation. First, a fair amount of softening lotion should be applied on the hair transplantation area and this lotion should be kept for 20-45 minutes. After this process to soften dried blood, the hair is rinsed with warm water and cleansed from lotion. Then, a special medical shampoo is foamed on the palm or other parts of the hair and both the transplantation and the removal area are washed. Washing should be performed with fingertips and palms and nails should never be used. After washing, the hair should be dried with a paper towel just to dehumidify without rubbing it in any way. The dose of washing should be increased with each passing day and after 7-10 days on average, no scab, residue, dried blood should be left on the scalp. This process should be repeated every day and normal washing habits should be continued from the 15th day. From the 15th day, the patient can continue to wash his/her hair every day or less frequently as s/he wishes. S/he can take a shower more than once a day, but it is not recommended to shampoo the hair more than once.

Hair growth process

Hair falls out within the first 3 weeks after transplantation, with the follicles inside. In fact, it is more correct to call this incident “break”. Roots that wait for 90 days after transplantation begin to grow after this period. Since some hair grows every day, the process proceeds naturally and without exaggeration. After about 8-10 months, all hair (in ideal conditions, the possibility of loss is 3%) would have grown.

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